Kamis, 02 April 2015

Asking for service’s or things, etc

A.  Asking for service’s or things (Meminta jasa atau barang)
1.      Asking For services
Expresion :
·    Could you help me to cut the grass ?
·    Could you help me to wash the motorcycle
·    Could you help me to water the flowers
2.        Asking for things
Expresion :
·    Could you give me your pen ?
·    Could you lend me a little money ?
·    Could you pass me your pen ?
Giving Service’s/ things :
·      Sure
·      Of course
·      Certainly
·      No problem
·      Ok
·      All right
·      Why not
Refusing Services/ things :
·      I am sorry, I can’t
·      I am sorry, I am very busy
·      I am sorry, I am using it.

B.  Asking for fact (Meminta Fakta)
1.      Did you help your mother yesterday afternoon? Yes, I did
2.      Did you study in your house yesterday night? No, I did
3.      Did you take a bath in the bathroom yesterday afternoon? Yes, I did
4.      When did you study together in your house? yesterday night
5.      What did you help yesterday afternoon ? I helped to cook rice
6.      Where did you help your mother? In the kitchen

C.  Asking for agreement (Meminta Persetujuan)
Expression :
1.    Do you agree if … (apakah kamu setuju jika …)
2.    Is it ok if … (apakah boleh jika …)
3.    Will it be allright if … (apakah boleh jika…)
Respon’s :
1.    Agree/setuju
·      Yes, I do
·      I agree
·      Sure
·      Of course
·      No problem
·      Certainly
2.    Disagree/ tidak setuju
·      No, Idon’t
·      I don’t agree
·      I disagree
·      I don’t think so
Example’s :
1.      Do you agree if I make bread? Yes, I do.
2.      It is ok if we help to you? Sure.
3.      Will it be allright if I to wach? Yes, I do
4.      Did you agree if we write? Yes, I do
5.      It is ok if I play? Of course

D.  Procedural text

Material’s :
·      Hard paper
·      Various stickers
·      Colouring pens
Instructions :
·      Fold the paper
·      Decorate the font page with the Various stickers
·      Open the paper
·      Write the name of the receiver of the card at the upper part with colouring pens
·      Then write your messages in the center part of the page
·      Don’t forget to write  the name of the sender of the card under it.
·      Your greeting card is ready to send

E.   Asking for and giving opinion (Meminta dan memberi pendapat)
Expression :
·      What do you think of our school?
·      What do you think about our school?
·      What’s your opinion about our school?
Respon’s :
·      I think, our school is beautiful
·      In my opinion, our school is very good
·      As I see it, our school in clean

F.   Simple future tense
Adalah pola kalimat yang menerangkan kejadian yang akan dating (Rencana).
Rumus :
(+) Subject + Shall/Will + Verb.1
(−) Subject + Shall/Will + not + Verb.1
(?) Shall/Will + Subject + Verb.1 + ?
Example’s :
(+) I will cook tomorow
(−) I will not cook tomorow
(?) Will you cook tomorrow? Yes, I will or No, I will not.

G.  Simple past tense
Adalah sebuah pola kalimat yang menerapkan kejadian pada masa lalu/ lampau.
Rumus :
(+) Subject + Verb. 2 + Object
(−) Subject + did + not + Verb. 1 + Object
(?)  Did + Subject + Verb. 1 + Object
Example’s :
(+) My mother cooked friedbanana yesterday afternoon
(−) My mother did not cook friedbanana yesterday afternoon
(?) Did your mother cook friedbanana yesterday afternoon?
Respons :
v Yes, my mother did
v No, My mother did not.

H.  Present perfect tense
Adalah sebuah pola kalimat yang menampilkan kejadian yang sudah selesai di kerjakan.
Rumus :
(+) Subject + Have/Has + Verb. 3
(−) Subject + Have/Has + Not + Verb. 3
(?) Have/Has + Subject + Verb. 3
v Have : I, You, We, They
v Has    : She, He, It, Nama Orang/tempat/benda
Example :
(+) I have Eaten
(−) I have not eaten
(?) Have you eaten

I.     Invitation  
Untuk mengundang seseorang dapt  kita gunakan ungkapan berikut :
·      Would you come to my party?
·      Please do come to my party?
·      You will come to my party, won’t you?
·      Won’t you come to my party?
·      What about coming to my party?
Untuk meminta undangan kita gunakan ungkapan berikut :
·      Thank you. I’d like to
·      I would
·      With pleasure
·      Ok
·      Yes, I will do

Untuk menolak undangan kita gunakan ungkapan berikut :
·      I want to but I’am busy at the moment
·      Thank you but I’am busy at the moment
·      I’am sorry I’cant

Example’s :
Hai mira,
Come to my house on Wednesday 21, 4 pm, 46 garuda road. Shere your happiness at my sister;s birthday.


J.     Expressing the phrase (Mengatakan Pujian)
Expression :
·      What a ….. (Betapa….)
·      How …..
Example’s :
1.    What a beautiful dress, it is ! (Betapa cantiknya baju itu!)
2.    How beautiful dress is !
3.    What a beautiful girl, you are ! (Betapa cantiknya kamu!)
4.    How a beautiful you are !
5.    What a strong man he  is ! (Betapa kuatnya kamu!)
6.    How strong he is !

K.  Comparative degree (perbandingan tingkat lebih)
Rumus :
·      Adjective  + er + than
·      More + adjective + then (untuk yag lebih dari 2 suku kata)
Compative Degree
Bigger/Lebih Besar
More Beautiful
Interesting /Menarik
More Interesting
Examples :
·      Puji is taller than huldun (puji lebih tinggi daripada huldun)
·      Puji is more beautiful than huldun ( puji lebih cantik dari pada huldun)

L.   Comparison degree (perbandingan sederajat)
Rumus : As adjective as ….. (sama….nya dengan…)
Examples :
1.    Rian  is as tall as revi
2.    Utom is as handsome as erlan
3.    Naufal is as fat as ending

M. Superlative degree (perbandingan tingkat paling)
Rumus :
·      Adjective + est
·      Most + adjective
Compative Degree
Biggest/Paling Besar
Longest/Paling Panjang
Heaviest/Paling Berat
Tallest/Paling Tinggi
Smartest/Paling Pintar
Shortest/Paling Pendek
Cleanest/Paling Bersih
Smallest/Paling Kecil
Most Beautiful/ Paling Cantik
Interesting /Menarik
Most Interesting/Paling Menarik
Most Handsome/Paling Ganteng
Most Expensive/Paling Mahal
Most Delicious/Paling Enak
Most Diligent/Paling Rajin
Example’s :
·      Mount Krakatau is the lowest of all (gunung Krakatau paling rendah dari semuannya)

·      Mount bromo is highest of all (gunung bromo paling tinggi dari semuanya)

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