Senin, 02 April 2018

Pengertian Administrasi Negara dalam Bahasa Inggris

Pengertian Administrasi Negara menurut para ahli :
  1. Dimock Dan Dimock : Public Administration is a part of general administration which has a broader field, a science that studies how institutions from a family to a nation's union are organized, driven and piloted .
  2. Bachsan Mustafa, SH;  the administration of the State shall be the combination of the titles established and arranged in stages which are entrusted to the legislatures and bodies of the awakening.
  3. John M. Pfiffner dan Robert V. Presthus (1950) ”Public administration involves the implementation of public policy which has been determine by representative political bodies”
  4. Prof. Dr. Prajudi Atmosudirdjo : State Administration is a function of government assistance means the government (officials) can not fulfill its duty obligations without the State Administration.
  5. Edward H. Litchfield : The administration of the state is a study of how various government bodies are organized, equipped with their labor, financed, enforced, and led.
  6. Dwight Waldo : State administration is the management and organization of human beings and its equipment in order to achieve the goals of the government.
  7. Felix A. Nigro and Lloyd G. Nigro : State administration is a collaborative group and governmental environment.
  8. Prajudi Atmosudirdjo : Administrative state administration of the state as an organization, and the administration pursues state goals.
  9. Thoha : Public Administration consist of all those operations having for their purpose the fulfillment of enforcement of public policy

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