Senin, 05 September 2016

Give advice & Warning, Asking & giving things, Asking & Offering help, Asking & Giving opinion, Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction, Clarification, Interpersonally

Give advice and warning
1.      Giving warning
·         Be careful of…
·         Make sure you…
·         Be careful! (hati-hati)
·         Watch out! (awas)
·         Make sure you don’t…

Examples :
·         Be careful of doing the test
·         Be careful on the way
·         Be careful on the stair (tangga)
·         Make sure you do the test
·         Make sure you do not wrong

Giving warning :
a.       Warning
·      Beware of the dog! (hati-hati, anjing!)
·      Beware of pickpack it! (hati-hati ada pencopet)
·      Beware of gost! (hati-hati ada hantu)
·      Beware your steps! (hati-hati, melangkahmu)
·      Beware up stair! (hati-hati, naik tangga)

b.      Peringatan yang berupa larangan
·      No smoking (dilarang merokok)
·      No sleeping in the class (dilarang tidur dikelas)
·      No eating in the class (dilarang makan dikelas)
·      No parking in this area (dilarang parkir diarea ini)
·      No stepping on the grass (jangan injak rumput)
·      No dating (dilarang pacaran)
·      No distrurbing (dilarang mengganggu)

c.       Peringatan yang halus (tinggal ditambahkan kata “Please”)
·      Please, no eating in the class
·      Please, no disturbing
·      Please, no dating

2.      Asking for advice
a.       Do you think I ought to call the police? (apakah menurutmu saya harus memanggil polisi?)
·      Do you think I ought to go to docter?
·      Do you think I ought to study again?
·      Do you think I ought to cut my hair?
·      Do you think I ought to end my relation with her?

b.      Do you have any ideas about how I can sell my motorbike? (apakah kamu mempunyai beberapa ide tentang bagaimana cara bisa menjual motorku)
·      Do you have any ideas about how I can good mark?
·      Do you have any ideas about how I can that her?

c.       Should I try to talk with him about this matter again? (bisakah saya mencoba membicarakan tentang masalah ini lagi)
·      Should I go to doctor?
·      Should I drink medicine?
·      Should I go to UKS?
·      Should I call mr.rohim

d.      If you were me, what would you tell her? (jika kamu menjadi saya, apa yang akan kamu katakana pada dia)
·      If you were me, what would you do?

e.       Do you have any advices for me? (apakah kamu punya nasihat untuk saya)

3.      Giving advice
a.       To do something
1)      I thing you’d better…
·     I think you had better call teacher
·     I think you had better go to BP
2)      If I were you, I would… (jika saya menjadi kamu, saya akan…)
·      If I were you, I would go to hospital
·      If I were you, I would go to BP
3)      It would probably be a good idea…
4)      I advice you to…
·      I advice you to follow test again
5)      How about…? + ing
·      How about going to canteen now?
·      How about drinking orange jus?

Asking and giving things (Meminta dan member barang/benda/sesuatu)
Expressions of asking things :
-       Hold the book for me, please! (tolong pegang buku untukku)
-       Get me the coffee, please! (beri saya kopi)
-       Pass me the pencil, please! (beri saya pensil)
-       Give me a paper! (beri saya selembar kertas)
-       Get me some water, please! (tolong beri saya air)
-       May I borrow your book, please? (bolehkah saya meminjam bukumu?)

Expressions of giving things :
-       Yes, please
-       Here you are
-       Here it is
-       Ok/all right/fine

Expressions of asking help (ungkapan meminta bantuan):
-       Will you often the door? (maukah kamu membuka kan pintu?)
-       Would you close the door? (maukah kamu menutup kan pintu?)
-       Can you come over here? (bisakah kamu datang ke sini?)
-       Could you pass the book to me? (bisakah kamu ambilkan buku untukku?)
-       Would you like to help me? (maukah kamu menolong saya?)

Expressions of offering help (ungkapan menawarkan bantuan) :
-          Shall I help you? (bolehkah saya menolong kamu?)
-          Shall I pick up you at school? (bolehkah saya menjemput kamu disekolah?)
-          Would you like me to carry your bag? (kamu mau saya membawakan tasmu?)
-          Do you want me to buy fruit? (apakah kamu ingin saya membelikan buah?)

Respon yang diberikan :
-          Ok/all right/fine
-          No, I can’t
-          Sorry, I’m busy
-          Thank you very much

Expressions of asking opinion (ungkapan meminta pendapat) :
-          What do you think of…? (apa pendapatmu tentang…)
-          What do you think about…? (apa pendapatmu tentang…)
-          What about…? (bagaimana tentang/dengan…)
-          Do you have any opinion on…? (apakah kamu mempunyai pendapat tentang…)

Expressions of giving opinions (ungkapan memberi pendapat) :
-          I think…(saya pikir…)
-          I feel…(saya rasa…)
-          I believe…(saya yakin…)
-          In my opinion…(pendapat saya…)
-          In my view…(pendapat saya…)

Expressing satisfaction
·         I’m satisfied with…(puas)
·         I’m satisfied at…
·         I’m glad with what you’ve done.
·         It’s really satisfying (memuaskan) (ini sungguh memuaskan)
·         Everything was satisfying (segalanya memuaskan)
·         It’s just right (segala sesuatunya benar)
Examples :
1.      I’m satisfied with your service
2.      I’m satisfied with your help
3.      I’m satisfied with mathematics lesson
4.      I’m satisfied at this meeting
5.      I’m satisfied at this show
6.      I’m glad with what you’ve done

Expressing dissatisfaction
·         I’m not satisfied with…
·         It isn’t very nice
·         It’s really not good enough
·         I’m dissatisfied by…
·         It’s dissatisfying
Examples :
1.      I’m dissatisfied by your speak
2.      I’m dissatisfied by your service

Ask for clarification (Meminta klarifikasi)
-          What do you speak? (apa kamu bilang?)
-          What do you see? (apa yang kamu lihat?)
-          What did you say? (apa yang kamu katakana?)
-          Do you mean to say? (maksud kamu mengatakannya?)
-          What do you mean by that…? (maksudnya?)
-          Did you say? (apa kamu bilang?)
-          Could you explain further? (bisakah kamu menjelaskan lebih lagi?)

How to respond interpersonally (bagaimana untuk merespon secara antar personal)
-          Really? (benarkah?)
-          Are you kidding? (apakah kamu sedang bercanda?)
-          Are you jokking? (apakah kamu sedang bercanda?)
-          Are you? (benarkah?)
-          Do you? (benarkah?)
-          Did he? (benarkah dia?)
-          Is it? (benarkah?)

-          Is he? (benarkah dia?)

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