Senin, 22 Agustus 2016

Expressing Like/Dislike, Expressing Love, Saddnes, Agreement/Disagreement, Embarrassement, Annoyance,

Expressing Like/Dislike (Ekspresi suka/tidak suka)
1.    Do you like swimming? (Apakah kamu suka berenang?)
-   Yes, I do/Yes, I like swimming
-   No, I don’t like swimming
2.    What subject do you like? (Pelajaran apa yang kamu suka?)
-   I like Arabic
3.    What is your favorite food? (Apa makanan favoritmu?)
-   I love fried chicken
-   I like fried rice

Expression how to say like (Ekspresi untuk menyatakan suka)
1.      I like ….
2.      I love ….
3.      I’am absolutely crazy about ….

Expression how to say dislike (Ekspresi untuk menyatakan tidak suka)
1.      I don’t like …. (Saya tidak suka)
2.      I dislike …. (Saya tidak suka)
3.      I hate …. (Saya tidak suka)

Expressing love
·         I love you
·         I love you too
·         I really love you and I always will
·         I truly love you endlessly
·         There’s nothing that compares with my love for you
·         Word fail to convey how much I love you
·         My love will never cease till the end of time
·         I’ll never stop loving you

Expressing sadness (kesedihan)
·         It makes me fell so upset (itu membuat saya merasa sangat sedih)
·          Feel very unhappy (saya merasa sangat tidak gembira)
·         I’m really very upset (saya sungguh sangat sedih)
·         I feel down in the dump (saya merasa jatuh dikegelapan)
·         I‘m so distressed (saya merasa sedih/susah)

Respon :
·         I’m sorry to hear that (saya sedih mendengar hal itu)
·         Come on, cheer up (ayo, gembira)
·         I know you feel sad, but…(saya tahu kamu merasa sedih, tapi…)
·         You have to look on the bright side (kamu harus melihat pada sisi terang/baiknya)
·         Be happy (bergembiralah)

Expressing agreement and disagreement
1.      Saying that you agreement
·      Yes, I agree with you
·      I’m sure you are right
·      That’s right
·      I think so too
·      I absolutely agree
·      That’s excectly what I think
·      Yes, I suppose so
·      I don’t havy any objections

2.      Saying that you disagreemen
·      We will never agree
·      Not at all
·      I disagree
·      I think that nonsense

3.      Saying that you don’t agree politely
·      I see your point, but
·      Yes, may be, but
·      I don’t entirely agree with
·      You may be right but
·      Do you think so
·      I see what you mean, but
·      To some extent yes, but
·      I don’t think so
·      I don’t agree with you
·      I’am not sure, I’am agree with you
·      I don’t like the idea

Expressing embarrassment
1.      I was to embarrassment/saya sangat malu
2.      I’am embarrassed
3.      Oh my god
4.      Same on me/memalukan, merasa malu
5.      I don’t feel comportable/saya tidak merasa nyaman
6.      I feel awkward/saya merasa canggung
7.      It’s my embarrassment to…/itu membuat saya malu
8.      That’s  a real embarrassment/itu benar-benar memalukan
9.      How embarrassing!/bagaimana malu
10.  It really make me ashamed/itu benar-benar membuat saya malu

Expression annoyance (ekspresi melukai)
1.      In formal situations
·      I’m extremely displeased with
·      …is very irritating
·      I’m extremely unhappy about this

2.      In informal situations
·      …really makes me mad
·      I cannot stand…
·      Why on earth he didn’t…?

3.      Another expressions
·      It annoys me
·      You’re such a pain in the neck
·      I can’t bear it any longer
·      I’m really annoyed
·      I can’t believe it!
·      Why does this always happen!
·      Oh, dear!

·      Oh, no!

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