Senin, 29 Agustus 2016

Shopping List, Descriptive text, Procedure text

SHOPPING LIST (Daftar belanja)

Purpose is to write the list of items that will buy, thus do not forget and remember what will, buy and what be the prority.
Read the following text bellow!
1.     Carrots
0,5 kg
2.     Spinachs
2 bounch
3.     Onions
1 kg
4.     Garlics
1 kg
5.     Tomatoes
0,25 kg
6.     Chilies
0,25 kg
7.     Meat
2 kg
8.     Eggs
1,5 kg

Answer these questions bellow!
1.    How many kilos are listed on the text above…
2.    What kind of text is it…
3.    Where does the writer go if he/she wants to buy meat…
4.    Why does the writer go to the green grocery…

1.    6,5 kilos
2.    Shopping list
3.    Green grocery

4.    Because meat is in the green grocery

Descriptive text (teks deskripsi)

1.      Descriptive text is used to describe about something, place, someone, animal, etc. (deskripsi digunakan untuk menjelaskan tentang sesuatu, tempat, seseorang, binatang dan lain-lain)

2.      Generic structure (susunan umum teks deskripsi):
a.       Identification (identifikasi yaitu menyebutkan apa yang akan dijelaskan/dideskripsikan)
b.      Description/deskripsi :
-  Parts/bagian-bagiannya
-  Characteristics/ciri-ciri

3.      Language focus (cirri kebahasaan)
-       Noun (kata benda)
-       Adjective (kata sifat)
-       Noun phrase (gabungan kata benda dan kata sifat)
-       Verb/kata kerja yang digunakan
a.       Have/has artinya mempunyai
b.      Tobe : is, am, are
-       Tenses simple present tense

Examples :
My classroom (title)
I want to tell you about my classroom (Identification). My classroom is next to the school library. It is a big and clean classroom. Is has to white doors and six brown windows. The walls are green and there are some pictures on them there are twenty tables and forty chairs (descriptions).

Procedure text (teks prosedur)

1.      Procedure text it used to tell someone how to do or to make something. (prosedur teks digunakan untuk menjelaskan kepada seseorang bagaimana melakukan sesuatu atau membuat sesuatu)

2.      Parts of procedure text (bagian-bagian teks prosedur)
-       Title/goal (judul/tujuan)
-       List of materials/bahan-bahan
-       List of equipment/alat yang digunakan
-       Steps series/methode/rangkaian atau langkah-langkah
a.    Conjuction/connections word
First, then, next, after that, finally.
b.    Inperactive sentences
-       Make…(buatlah)
-       Add…(tambahkan)
-       Mix…(campurkan)
-       Cut…(potonglah)
c.    Precise vocabularly
-       ½ cup of water
-       One kilograme of flour
-       a plate of rice

3.      Lexicogrammatical features (cirri-ciri kebahasaan prosedur teks)
a.       The use of inperative or command sentence (menggunakan kalimat perintah)
Example :
-  Put (letakkan)
-  Boil (didihkan)
-  Heat (panaskan)
-  Take out (angkat)
b.      The use of conjunction (menggunakan konjungsi)
Example : first, second, third, fourth
c.       The use of adverb of manner, adverb of place or adverb of time
Example :
Adverb of manner (cara)
-  Quickly (dengan cepat)
-  Slowly (dengan lambat)
-  Carefully (dengan hati-hati)

Senin, 22 Agustus 2016

Expressing Like/Dislike, Expressing Love, Saddnes, Agreement/Disagreement, Embarrassement, Annoyance,

Expressing Like/Dislike (Ekspresi suka/tidak suka)
1.    Do you like swimming? (Apakah kamu suka berenang?)
-   Yes, I do/Yes, I like swimming
-   No, I don’t like swimming
2.    What subject do you like? (Pelajaran apa yang kamu suka?)
-   I like Arabic
3.    What is your favorite food? (Apa makanan favoritmu?)
-   I love fried chicken
-   I like fried rice

Expression how to say like (Ekspresi untuk menyatakan suka)
1.      I like ….
2.      I love ….
3.      I’am absolutely crazy about ….

Expression how to say dislike (Ekspresi untuk menyatakan tidak suka)
1.      I don’t like …. (Saya tidak suka)
2.      I dislike …. (Saya tidak suka)
3.      I hate …. (Saya tidak suka)

Expressing love
·         I love you
·         I love you too
·         I really love you and I always will
·         I truly love you endlessly
·         There’s nothing that compares with my love for you
·         Word fail to convey how much I love you
·         My love will never cease till the end of time
·         I’ll never stop loving you

Expressing sadness (kesedihan)
·         It makes me fell so upset (itu membuat saya merasa sangat sedih)
·          Feel very unhappy (saya merasa sangat tidak gembira)
·         I’m really very upset (saya sungguh sangat sedih)
·         I feel down in the dump (saya merasa jatuh dikegelapan)
·         I‘m so distressed (saya merasa sedih/susah)

Respon :
·         I’m sorry to hear that (saya sedih mendengar hal itu)
·         Come on, cheer up (ayo, gembira)
·         I know you feel sad, but…(saya tahu kamu merasa sedih, tapi…)
·         You have to look on the bright side (kamu harus melihat pada sisi terang/baiknya)
·         Be happy (bergembiralah)

Expressing agreement and disagreement
1.      Saying that you agreement
·      Yes, I agree with you
·      I’m sure you are right
·      That’s right
·      I think so too
·      I absolutely agree
·      That’s excectly what I think
·      Yes, I suppose so
·      I don’t havy any objections

2.      Saying that you disagreemen
·      We will never agree
·      Not at all
·      I disagree
·      I think that nonsense

3.      Saying that you don’t agree politely
·      I see your point, but
·      Yes, may be, but
·      I don’t entirely agree with
·      You may be right but
·      Do you think so
·      I see what you mean, but
·      To some extent yes, but
·      I don’t think so
·      I don’t agree with you
·      I’am not sure, I’am agree with you
·      I don’t like the idea

Expressing embarrassment
1.      I was to embarrassment/saya sangat malu
2.      I’am embarrassed
3.      Oh my god
4.      Same on me/memalukan, merasa malu
5.      I don’t feel comportable/saya tidak merasa nyaman
6.      I feel awkward/saya merasa canggung
7.      It’s my embarrassment to…/itu membuat saya malu
8.      That’s  a real embarrassment/itu benar-benar memalukan
9.      How embarrassing!/bagaimana malu
10.  It really make me ashamed/itu benar-benar membuat saya malu

Expression annoyance (ekspresi melukai)
1.      In formal situations
·      I’m extremely displeased with
·      …is very irritating
·      I’m extremely unhappy about this

2.      In informal situations
·      …really makes me mad
·      I cannot stand…
·      Why on earth he didn’t…?

3.      Another expressions
·      It annoys me
·      You’re such a pain in the neck
·      I can’t bear it any longer
·      I’m really annoyed
·      I can’t believe it!
·      Why does this always happen!
·      Oh, dear!

·      Oh, no!

Senin, 15 Agustus 2016

Simple Present Tense, Present Perfect Tense, Present Continouns Tense, Adverb of Frequency

Simple present tense
Dalam bentuk intrrogative (Pertanyaan)
1.    Pattern (Rumus) :
-       Do + Subject + Verb.1 + Adverb
-       Does + Subject + Verb.1 + Adverb
Examples :
1)   Do we study in the class room every day? (Apakah kita belajar di kelas setiap hari?)
-       Yes, we do
-       No, we don’t
2)   Do you sleep at 09.00 o’clock every night? (Apakah kamu tidur pada jam 09.00 setiap malam?)
-       Yes, I do
-       No, I don’t
3)   Do they pray every day? (Apakah mereka shalat setiap hari?)
-       Yes, they do
-       No, they don’t
4)   Does he walk on foot to school every morning? (Apakah dia laki-laki berjalan kaki ke sekolah setiap pagi?)
-       Yes, he does
-       No, he does not
5)   Does she lunch at 12.00 am every day? (Apakah dia perempuan makan siang pada jam 12.00 setiap hari?)
-       Yes, she does
-       No, she does not

Present perfect tense
Examples :
·       I have gone to bandung
 I have’nt gone to bandung
 Have you gone to bandung?
·      She has gone to bandung
         She has’nt gone to bandung
         Has she gone to bandung

Formula/Rumus :
a.       S+have/has (tobe)+V3+O
       Examples :
·     I have taught English since five years ago (saya telah mengajar bahasa inggris sejak  5 tahun lalu)
·      Yuda has gone to bandung since two hours ago (yuda telah pergi ke bandung sejak 2 jam yang lalu)

Nominal :
a.       S+have/has (tobe)+been+non.verb+O

Present - continouns – tense (Saat ini – sedang melakukan – bentuk waktu)
Adalah bentuk waktu di mana perbuatan sedang terjadi/sedang dilakukan saat ini.
1.      Positive form (bentuk positif)
Formula/Rumus :
-       I + am + verb.1 + ing
-       I, you, we, they +  are + verb.1 + ing
-       He, she, it + is + verb.1 + ing
Examples :
-       I’am reading book new
-       We are studying English
-       They are watching tv
-       He is listening to the music
-       She is writing letter

2.      Negative form (bentuk negative/tidak sedang melakukan)
Formula :
-       I + am + not + verb.1 + ing
-       You, we, they + are + not + verb.1 + ing
-       He, she, it + is + not + verb.1 + ing
Examples :
-       I’am not reading book new
-       We are not studying English
-       They are not watching tv
-       He is not listening music
-       She is not writing letter

3.      Interrogative form (bentuk pertanyaan)
Formula :
-       Am + I + verb.1 + ing
-       Are + you, we, they + verb.1 + ing
-       Is + he, she, it + verb.1 + ing
Examples :
-       Am I sitting now? Yes, you are/No, you are not
-       Are you sleeping now?
-       Is she writing now?

Adverb of frequency
Adverb : kata keterangan/tambahan
Frequency : bilangan
1.      Adverb of frequency adalah kata keterangan yang menjelaskan jumlah/seringnya suatu kegiatan

2.      Adverb of frequency :
-   Selalu : always
-   Jarang : Seldom
-   Kadang-kadang : some times
-   Sering : often
-   Tidak pernah : never
-   Biasanya : usually/normally
-   Secara teratur : regularly

3.      Adverb of frequency di letakkan di antara subject (I, We, You, They, He, She, It) dan verb (Kata kerja). Examples :
-       I often go to school (Saya sering pergi ke sekolah)
-       We always study every day (Kita selalu belajar setiap hari)
-       He never plays soccer (Dia laki-laki tidak pernah bermain bola)

4.      Apabila ada tobe (is, am, are) maka adverb of frequency di letakan setelah tobe. Examples :
-       I   am always hungry (Saya selalu lapar)
-       He is often lazy (Dia sering malas)
-       We are seldom angry (Kita jarang marah)

5.      Dan dalam bentuk pertanyaan/jawaban :
-       Do you often study every day? (Apakah kamu sering belajar setiap hari?)
+   Yes I do, I often study every day (Ya, saya sering belajar setiap hari)
-       How often do you watch Tv? (Berapa sering kamu nonton Tv?)

+   I often, watch Tv every day (Saya sering nonton Tv setiap hari)