Kamis, 07 Juli 2016

Introductio, Greeting's and Intruction

Introducing your self
A    : Good afternoon. My name’s mira
         I’m a student of MTsN Bayah
         I live Bayah
B    : Hi. My name is mira
         I come from Bayah

Introducing Other’s
A : Hi ren, this eno. She is my friend
B : My name’s eno. How do you do?
C : My name’s rendi. How do you do?
B : Nice to meet you/Nice to see you/I’m very gled to meet you
C : Nice to meet you too

Greeting’s (Sapaan)
-          Good morning/Good afternoon/Good night
-          Hi
-          Hello
-          How are you?
+  I’m fine. Thanks you
+  I’m very well/I’m ok/I’m good
-          How do you do?
+  How do you do ?

Intruction (Perintah)
-          Stand up                : Berdiri
-          Sit down                : Duduk
-          Close the door       : Tutup pintu
-          Open the door       : Buka pintu
-          Raise your hand     : Angkat tangan
-          Read the book       : Baca buku
-          Close the book       : Tutup buku
-          Come here             : Kemari/Kesini
-          Clean the board     : Bersihkan papan tulis
-          Write your name    : Tulis namamu
-          Be careful              : Hati-Hati
-          Go there                 : Kesana
-          Close the window       : Tutup jendela
-          Open the window : Buka jendela

-          Put                         : Letakkan

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